Core Programme Referral


Please read the following carefully


This programme is for Tane aged between 15 and 17 years old. 

They must be on either a supervision with activity order, supervision order following a supervision with residence order, supervison order, an FGC Plan or have youth justice social worker representing them.  For further information regarding the criteria for each order please contact

START Taranaki do not accept Tane with a history of Serious Violent or Sexual Offending.

 Referral Process

The first step in any referral to the START Taranaki Programme is to complete the referral form. Once this is completed please email this to our Case Leader Paul Haenga at

The checklist link above outlines what we will require if your taiohi is offered a placement at START Taranaki.

We like to be involved with referrals as early as possible, so if there is an FGC for the young person we would be happy to come along where possible and speak to the interventions we offer.

After reading through this information we will contact you to arrange a time to interview the young person. For those we can interview face to face, we will, otherwise a video interview can be arranged.

Should the referral proceed you will be informed and we will require any relevant reports and documents (eg s333) before acceptance onto the programme.

We put a lot of thought into choosing the Tane we think are best suited to the programme, and putting a team of people together who will “click”.   We reserve the right to decline any referrals we don’t feel meet what we are looking for. A decline rationale will be provided to you should the taiohi be unsuccessful.

For any further questions, please fill out the form below or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.